Friday, June 13, 2008

Why an MBA for musicians?

So if you're thinking about getting an MBA, you should ask yourself a few questions:

Do you want to be a musician?

Do you want to have a desk job?

Do you like to manage people?

Will you only accept a job in music?

As many of you know, I have accepted a job that has nothing to do with music, but I think is a step in the right direction. I am a firm believer that there is no education that is wasted (yes, that's my dad in me...). A lot of the things that I am learning about our legal system and management skills are going to be really helpful to me later on in my career.

So the first question: Do you want to be a musician? I guess by this I mean, do you want to play music, rather than run the business side of things? If you want to play music, I'd say don't waste your time with the degree.

Do you want to have a desk job? Most of us, as musicians, know that you don't ever really get to play your own music, you don't mix your own projects, you don't do what it is you want to really do as a musician in the beginning. I have to say that if having a desk job is a starting place to go on to better things I can handle it for a few years. Some people can't. An MBA is not going to put you in upper management right away unless you're already in middle management.

Do you even like being a manager? A management degree is not really for someone who doesn't like working with and dealing with people.

If you can only accept a job in music, good for you if you get a job. I mean that sincerely. It's pretty difficult to find work in music that pays enough to pay the bills in the beginning. Everyone likes to see a well rounded person come into their office for an interview, so it may not be a bad idea to do something that gives you some depth for a while.



Emily Webster said...

I'm glad you've started updating you blog again! Can't wait to see the pics of your new crib (that's right- I'm gangsta)

Amit said...

Are you a musician ???