Friday, November 14, 2008

Kicking the dog...

You've heard the story of how the man gets yelled at by his boss, then he comes home and yells at his wife, who in turn yells at the kid, who kicks the dog, who bites the cat...

That's what the Prop 8 situation reminds me of. I just read an article about how 70% of black voters supported Prop 8 in California. So does the gay community go after black communities and churches? Nope, because that's not politically viable. You have to go after the smaller guy. If you're the dog, you can't bite the kid, but nobody will blame you if you go after the cat. Mormons opposed Prop 8, but so did a majority of Californians. I wish people would stop acting like the Mormon church was working to take away people's civil rights. Our church, as were many, many others, was working to keep our own rights.

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